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The Breaking of the Fellowship (#RCO + Contracts) |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Isidore 688
Revised Content Only + Messenger of the King
“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
Boromir, Captain of Gondor journeyed to Rivendell to seek counsel, puzzled by the riddles from a cryptic dream.
There he would attend to the Council of Elrond and join the Fellowship of the Ring.
"Boromir had a long sword, [...], and he bore also a shield and his war-horn."
The company encountered many danger, and after losing Gandalf, his will started crumbling (despite a short rest in Lothlorien) and thus tried to take The One Ring from Frodo.
Here on Amon Hen he failed, but he also redeemed himself in a last stand as he sacrificed himself protecting the halflings.
Deck mechanics:
Draw : Heed the Dream, Pippin, Hobbit Pipe & Gandalf
Threat reduction: Merry, Smoke Rings, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Secret Vigil, Galadriel's Handmaiden & Gandalf
Heal/Damage Mitigation: Ioreth, Elrond, Dori, Honour Guard & Gandalf
Captain of Gondor adds versatility as we are almost always going to optionally engage enemies
Vigilant Guard allows us to ready Boromir more freely, paired with Honour Guard and Dori helps mitigate the damage incoming
Sword-thain can be put on any ally to help resource generation, on a Legolas it allows to put Dagger of Westernesse on him, making him deadlier / but it could also be used to increase the number of Hobbits Heroes boosting Pippin
Horn of Gondor is really for the lore, I haven't really found it to be useful in this deck
Concerning Sideboard:
- In games with nasty on reveal effects: A Test of Will
- In games with nasty conditions: Miner of the Iron Hills
- In games with condition discard: Erebor Hammersmith
- If facing a scenario with lots of damage that could kill your hobbitses consider adding some Quickbeam & Ent Draught
- Include Legolas if he isn't already played by other decks
- Glorfindel + Elrond's Counsel can help further reduce threat + helps questing / fighting
- If you add Miner of the Iron Hills &/or Erebor Hammersmith, consider adding 3 Dwarf Pipe to further boost Smoke Rings
- Sam Gamgee is to be played in campaign mode with Frodo Baggins
- Elevenses is best played when having Frodo Baggins & Sam Gamgee to maximise its possible effect
- Fellowship of the Ring & Frodo's Intuition for campaign mode
An attempt to build a thematic deck around Boromir's journey, leading to his last stand, protecting Merry & Pippin from the Uruk-Hai swarm!
This is an anniversary thematic deck, as 26 February 3019 T.A. is the date of Boromir's death at Amon Hen.