A Gandalf deck you didn't expect

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
Gandalf and his toys 3.0 2 1 2 1.0
Inspiration for
A Gandalf deck you didn't expect(edit) 0 0 0 1.0
Doom Doom Doom 0 0 0 2.0
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warlock000 3872

warlock000 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Doom Doom Doom

Please keep in mind that I don't own the 6 packs from the Haradrim cycle nor the Vengeance of Mordor cycle/Deluxe set.

I love this deck. It's not easy to play, but it's very rewarding if you can make it work.

Mulligan for Gandalf and try to equip him with his toys as fast as possible (you can play him on turn one). Keep him in play as long as you can. There are all sorts of readying and action advantage shenanigans you can do here. Remember about Galadriel's passive ability - it makes Saruman really useful here (he can both quest and attack/defend).

Ever Vigilant works great with Treebeard - you can ready him and quest with him without exausting on the turn you play him (thanks to Galadriel).

Experiment and have fun with this deck, I think it's pretty original in its concept and I'm pretty proud of it ;).


Jun 19, 2024 doomguard 2121

good deck.

would perhaps add a 2. Wild Stallion then you have more chances to get it and the 2. is good on Thalion would add 1-2 Armored Destrier specially for shadowcancelling.

would perhaps replace 1-2 Flame of Anor with The Seeing-stone to be faster.

Jun 19, 2024 warlock000 3872

@doomguard very good suggestions, I will definitely try them! I totally forgot about The Seeing-stone.

Jun 19, 2024 Marctimmins89 107

This deck does look fun.

There's a couple of ways I'd try to adapt it for my playstyle. Either cut the 3x attachments down to 1-2 and put in 3 x Master of the Forge, or maybe go all in on the Unique characters and make it a fellowship (you're on the way with 8 Uniques in play anyway).

Cool idea!

Jun 19, 2024 Some Sort 3807

I find that swapping Aragorn for Beravor lets me dig much, much faster for Gandalf and his toys (especially since with drinking song, each activation of Beravor lets you see four extra cards-- the two she draws, plus the two extra you get from the song). She'll also get you your Dunedain hero for Ranger of Cardolan. Obviously you lose Aragorn's super-handy threat reset, so you'll probably need some Galadhrim's Greetings to offset (and if you're using her to draw, you also lose a hero action, though Gandalf himself more than makes up for that).

Since you're running Narya, it also might be worth adding a couple other big allies (beyond Treebeard) to take advantage. Glorfindel can quest for three and then ready up and attack for four. Faramir can trigger his ability twice during the quest phase to add some absurd WP values. My favorite might be Wellinghall Preserver, though-- it can quest for three, ready (healing a damage in the process), then attack or defend for three, then ready again (and heal again) at the end of the round. (And Treebeard can help pay for them!)

Narya also negates the biggest downside of ents (the "enters play exhausted") and lets you take advantage of Galadriel's ability to let them quest without exhausting in the first round (though if you use Narya early, you can't take advantage of its stat buffs during the combat phase).

Jun 19, 2024 warlock000 3872

@Marctimmins89 please experiment with it and tell me how it worked! I don't have access to contracts so I can't really comment on that, but I'm very curious what can be done with it. If you make this deck, please post a decklist!

Jun 19, 2024 warlock000 3872

@Some Sort hm... I've never thought of Beravor in this deck (like you said, my main focus was to have the in-built threat reset). Drinking Song, Galadriel and Deep Knowledge usually allow me to get all I want pretty quickly. I wanted to have a lot of neutral allies so that I can use resources from all the heroes. Glorfindel is great, but I think it would take too long to gather enough resources for him...


I'm very curious about your proposed changes, if you think you can make this deck work with Beravor and some strong allies, please try to post a decklist in response ;). I'd happily test it on dragncards!

Jun 20, 2024 doomguard 2121

i think it "could"work with Beravor but its a risk. if you get all the doomed cards out (what is the purpose) including The Seeing-stone then you increase by 20/21 thread (+ times use Saruman) you really need Aragorn, to compensate that with The Galadhrim's Greeting cost you 3 cards and 6 spiritres. and the earlier you get it the unlikely it is you can compensate, but the earlier you get it the faster you build your boardstate, what is what you want. so, the goal seems to me use Aragorn in round 3 perhaps 4 but to compensate 20 thread regulary in this time seems to expensive for my taste, if possible at all.

but for very questheavy szenariuos i would add a Faramir and a Sword that was Broken