[DB06] Brand, King of Dale

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Derived from
[#06] Bard son of Brand - Brand son of Bain - Galadriel 4 3 0 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

JbanMormegil 675

This deck is part of a set of 16 decks, for all details check out the project here: 16 Decks Were Given to the Race of Men.


  • Preferred Player Count: 2 - 4
  • Complexity: Medium
  • Time Intensity: High
  • Focus: Balanced


This Dale deck tries to boost it's characters with the help of various attachments. Brand son of Bain provides a good willpower boost for every character with an attachment and gives you draw as well. Many of the attachments in the deck are not that strong by themselves but help you out in regards to the synergies of the deck. Dale usually has very few problems on willpower and defense, but for attack it will need some time before it's able to really take care of enemies.

How it's played:

Mulligan for King of Dale. This attachment allows you to play allies at a discount (and takes away the need for a certain resource icon). When playing this deck, one should try to spread the attachments and maximize the draw. Beravor is there to add to the drawing department. With the increased draw, finding a Traffic from Dale becomes a priority.

Strengths: Willpower and defense

Weaknesses: Early attack


Despite there being a hero change from Galadriel to Beravor, not much has changed within the deck. Bartering is included to provide some flexibility with the attachments and can function as a form of resource smoothing. Ravenhill Scout and Wiglaf are rather situational cards. Ravenhill Scout is there to target annoying locations in the staging area. To do so, you can utilize the progress placed with Map of Rhovanion. Wiglaf is there to have extra options during combat.

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