One to conquer all...(Bifur, Cirdan, Theodred)

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krisko 4

Just recently made this one with intent of playing LOTR Saga. Currently on my way to fight Saruman... However I switched on regular missions (no nightmare cards) and posting my progress here...

Idea is to focus on Lore. Filling Bifur with extra resource from Théodred and flipping an extra resource onto him.

Allies are the power of this deck. Having strong elves (Haldir of Lórien or Gildor Inglorion) buffed with A Burning Brand to defend almost all of the attacks that come at it.

Since it is purposed for solo play, once you have Henamarth Riversong in play, you basically plan every step until the game end. Rumour from the Earth also helps in those situations.

Miner of the Iron Hills are here in case of pesty conditions. Warden of Healing are here to sort potential problems before defensive combos are set in motion. Celebrían's Stone buffs Círdan the Shipwright. Cloak of Lórien is not crucial, but can help with defending stronger enemies. A Burning Brand is definitely a priority. Ever My Heart Rises is just a sweet card that has no use 70% of time. But it's cool to have it when running over encounter decks and proving your superiority. King Under the Mountain buffs Círdan the Shipwright's ability to next level. You will have all the cards you need in no time once it is in play. Light of Valinor and Narya are self explanatory and I think it is obvious they are also crucial for effectiveness of the deck. Snowmane is fun to have. We don't want Círdan the Shipwright to do have all the fun! Steward of Gondor can help in early stages of the game to put out expensive allies, otherwise if found later in the game it is just an overkill. Daeron's Runes are good at the beginning. They speed up the process of finding the right card(s). Elrond's Counsel keeps your threat low, everyone likes his threat at the right number. Fortune or Fate is just in case card that can provide useful if hero sacrifice is unavoidable. Just don't kill Círdan the Shipwright. Sneak Attack and Gandalf... why not! This cheating combo can come in handy. Either for disposing off some naive <=4 HP enemies or lowering your threat almost to Secrecy levels. Besides, Gandalf with Narya in place also turn the balance.

Mission status:

Passage Through Mirkwood - 1st run... funny encounter.

Journey Down the Anduin - 1st run... No real challenge, stage 3 gave me an Ungoliant Spawn who died soon after.

Escape from Dol Guldur - 1st run... I consider this a bit of a lucky break. Setup was hard with no "easy" treachery. But hand was good with
Arwen Undómiel, Warden of Healing,
Light of Valinor, Steward of Gondor and Treebeard. Narya came on turn two. Théodred was imprisoned.

The Hunt for Gollum - 2nd run... 3 Hunters from Mordor and objective caused the deck to fail for the first time. Retry was easy.

Conflict At The Carrock - 1st run... Trolls did not stand up to their names. Besides the "brothers" two more were killed in futile attempt to stop the "allies".

A Journey to Rhosgobel - 1st run... Personaly I consider this mission as stupid as Donald so I used 3 Healing Herbs as a sideboard. If only the reality was that easy... anyhow, Turn 5 was the end if I recall correctly.

The Hills of Emyn Muil - 2nd run... Although I had control all of the time, the shores of nen Hithoel messed up the victory. I had no cards left to draw and no events in my hand... reset was imminent! On the 2nd run I added Will of the West to deck; just in case. This time encounter deck posed no real challenge.

The Dead Marshes - 1st run... Ridiculously easy. Passed it without breaking a sweat!

Return to Mirkwood - 4th run... The Dead Marshes made me relax too much. 1st failure was unlucky - two Attercop, Attercop spawned in the opening round. There was no hope. 2nd time I had a good opening, but threat raise of 4 per round was too much to handle, also, Gollum's bite also killed Bifur (poor guy). 3rd loss happened in the last round. Everything was set for the victory when Attercop, Attercops shadow card (Gollum's anguish) raised my threat to 51. For the 4th run I added The Galadhrim's Greeting, turned out I never had to use it and won smoothly.

Into the Pit - 1st run... I was worried for a second when my threat got up to 47 during the first part of the quest. However, Gandalf came to rescue with two Sneak Attacks! In addition, Elrond's Counsels also helped lowering my threat well below 40 before the game end.

The Seventh Level - 1st run... TBH, this was the first game I did not finish having Light of Valinor on the [Círdan the Shipwright] (/card/11001). It seemed tough, but allies once again stepped in. Gildor Inglorion was lighting our way with a A Burning Brand and Goblins were simply match for him in the front and Treebeard in the back!

Flight From Moria - 1st run... This was a long one. Turn 1 opened Blocked by a shadow and I though lucky me since I played
Rumour from the Earth before that. But the card after that shuffled my quest deck, and after that monsters started coming... It was a tough one with Arwen Undómiel and Théodred (revived before the end though) getting killed.
Nameless Fear's was 13 at the end.

The Redhorn Gate - 1st run... Since Arwen Undómiel changed her profession I switched my copies with
Cloak of Lórien and Will of the West. But this one was BORING. I went through my deck 2 times and through encounter deck one and half times. Problem was that only handful of cards provide victory points which made me stuck with around 200 progress tokens on the final stage of the quest.

Road to Rivendell - 1st run... This was an easy walk. With resource overflow from Arwen I had the top-notch defence up and running by round 3. It seemed as if encounter deck just stopped trying.

The Watcher in the Water - 1st run... Second time Círdan the Shipwright did not get Light of Valinor. It was not easy, and I had to kill Théodred before the game end. But
Snowmane galloped to save the day as I "peaked" the encounter card using Rumour from the Earth.

The Long Dark - 1st run... This was the easiest mission so far. It was over by turn 5.

Foundations of Stone - 1st run... Not much of a challenge. Goblins made their best but they were no match for the army that
Círdan the Shipwright, Théodred and Bifur presented.

Shadow and Flame - 1st run... At first it seemed that this one's gonna be easy as I managed to keep my threat at zero for 3 turns. Meanwhile, several allies came to my aid and just as I though
Gildor Inglorion will be equipped with
A Burning Brand and Cloak of Lórien to fend off Durin Bane's attack... he pulled out a sword making his 9. Allies started falling like flies but they managed to get him to 5HP before he was pushed into the pit with total of 6 cost (3 cards discarded).

Peril In Pelargir - 1st run... thieves were sneaky as suspected. Start was a bit bumpy with real possibility of a hero dying since 2 harbour thugs surprised the party. No shadow effect saved the day. After that Gandalf sneaked into a fight and
Narya was on Círdan the Shipwright who was already lit by the Light of Valinor.

Into Ithilien - 4th run... Finally some real challenge! After having a some tough time passing first location or not drawing an enemy in the first run action finally started for real on the fourth pass. Mumakil tried to ruin the victory on the last turn but all other enemies were already defeated and there was no trouble questing for 17+ at the last stage.

The Siege of Cair Andros - TODO

That's it for now...