replace encounterdeck

doomguard 2221


this fellowship can put up to 12 cards into the victory pile and can put up to 12 (11 at the same time) cards into the encouterdeck. be aware of the "set aside" rules.only the rangers must put in from "your" set aside all other are "a" set aside and can be taken from a mate.

all decks starts in secrecy, that allows playing Out of the Wild for free. stay in secrecy would probably only the 3-hobbitdeck

theoretically you can boost all decks if you give each 3 Keen as Lances

another option to optimize the reducing of the encounterdeck could work over traps. (would replace erestor with damrod and motk gallion with motkhenemarth and redesigh the deck to more traps)


Mar 11, 2021 doomguard 2221

The Door is Closed! could theoretically be add to all decks.

Mar 11, 2021 Alonewolf87 2456

Very cool idea.

Have you considered using Tom Cotton in deck 3 so that you can use Merry and (MotK) Bilbo Baggins in deck 4?

Mar 11, 2021 doomguard 2221

is a good idea. specially you can start with a hobbitpipe and have more use of threadreducing events and Smoke and Think in the erestordeck. the hobbitdeck is more in need to find a shirefolk early. i would mulligan for it.

Mar 14, 2021 Truck 1479


Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

Hi Doomguard, As promised my feedback below concerning integrating my deck: into your fellowship line up. I must say i am eager to try your decks out with 4 players but unfortunatly mostly we play with 2 or 3 in our player group.

From left to right:

Replacing encounterdeck_4

I think you won't lose much willpower if we compare both decks. You'll probably have less issues with enemy's. You'll adding Direct damage and have still lot's of enemy's solutions in the other decks as well as great defenders. You'll probably wanna swap out Merry in my deck since i only use him for willpower and low threat starting cost. Your deck handles Merry better with the increase in strength. I think i would use Bilbo Baggins or Thalin into my deck and remove Merry. If you go for Thalin you should also remove the Tom Bombadillo! in my deck. But it's a viable option. In your encounterdeck_1 replace Arwen Undómiel with Galadriel and remove Elven-light with Nenya. Other bonus is because you'll start out with 36 threat in my deck it great to have Galadriel in an other deck to keep thrreat under control

Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

Replacing Encounterdeck_3

Difficult choice here. Your deck kills enemy's with high attack power combo Merry + ally . So you lose that but recieve extra Direct damage instead. I believe to compensate you wanna change in my deck some things, like adding Hail of Stones, playing with Thalin instead of Merry. With the Ranger of Cardolan ; Gandalf, Descendant of Thorondor, you'll have some direct damage capabilities to compensate. You think it's worth over the Merry + ally combo attack?

Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

Replacing Encounterdeck_1

First thing here i would do is to try integrate (MotK) Ioreth into encounterdeck_4 and swap her with (MotK) Galion. Perhaps a bit of swaps regarding sphere cost might be taking, but lot of blue cards already cost you zero resources, so it should be doable. Since you'll have more could add Leave No Trace and None Return like in my deck, so you'll have even more encounter manipulation. Swap out some 1 cost spirit cards, like Miruvor perhaps? I assume you play the Miruvor for encounterdeck_3 to help bringing in those high cost allies? well with my deck, you'll have Errand-rider and Théodred to compensate. You could run in all decks None Return and Leave No Trace but it think it would be overkill, but 2 out of 4 decks why not.

Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

Replacing Encounterdeck_2

here you don't lose any willpower with my deck, but i see you run here lot's of untap cards. As in my deck in only run Unexpected Courage. I also do not run any healing, as you run Lembas which is a very great card. But you'll have still (MotK) Ioreth. On the other hand Beravor is great to have and compensate for (MotK) Gléowine. But if you go this road, you'll lose the one shot kill of Éowyn. You could also increase the set aside cards with more Wind from the Sea. i think it's from those 4 events the most powerful card of all.

Conclusion: If you integrate my deck -> remove merry and go for Bilbo Baggins or Thalin from Encounterdeck_1 i swap Arwen Undómiel with Galadriel and helps you keep the threat of my deck under control. You'll be starting with 36 threat with my deck. Personally i like the idea of adding more None Return and Leave No Trace into other of your decks for more encounter manipulation.

hope this helps kr Wes

Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

@doomguard i think i would keep your Encounterdeck_3. that deck puts Merry in a better use. By adding more Leave No Trace and None Return in decks also is Keen as Lances in every deck very useful :) For instance you could swap out the Lórien's Wealth which have a high cost.

Also i believe that Encounterdeck_1 needs Galadriel to lower the threat from my deck, since you'll probably start with 36 threat. Let me know if you tried it with my deck how it goes, il perhaps try it myself if i have the occasion.



Apr 28, 2022 doomguard 2221

thx for your extended feedback.

i think i would replace encounter_2 and in your deck replace merry with Éowyn (same startingthread) arwen with Galadriel and keep everything else.

all others are hobbit-related or have the dunedainrangerfokus. with your replacement, there are 2 decks that can play Ranger Summons =>more flexibility.

with one high-thread around, it is perhaps needed, that the other decks include some Feint, would depend testing.

you are right, Wind from the Sea seems to be the strongest, because it as no surge, but have an additional ally for the rest of the game is also strong. and get 2 Wind from the Sea in the same staging would make it much weaker.

Apr 28, 2022 serre 115

good idea to use Éowyn in my deck. For Wind from the Sea i would never put two in the encounter deck in the same round, unless perhaps after the quest phase if one triggered, and you go to the combat phase and your encounter deck is low on cards so that you know at least one shadow effect is a good one. :). Do not forget to swap out the Tom Bombadillo! in my deck also, since you cannot play them anymore.

Apr 28, 2022 doomguard 2221

you do not know exactly when they come, except you have played it together with Guided by Fate. basicially i would put in a card as soon as i am able to do it (without Guided by Fate ). having it as shadow is very good, because you have doubleuse (as shadow and later again in the encounterdeck).

actually i play not this much more theocrafting.