The Dread Realm 1 26 threat, cards up to The Battle of Carn DûmThe Dread Realm 2 32 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
avoid the guards lore 23 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Gap of Rohandain claiming ring of thror 11 threat, cards up to Mount Gundabad |
Beorn's Path 2 - Journey Along the Anduin 28 threat, cards up to Core SetBeorn's Path 3 - Escape from Dol Guldur (Tactics/Spirit) 29 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Dead Marshes Leadership and Lore 30 threat, cards up to The Dead MarshesDead Marshes Tactics and Spirit 27 threat, cards up to The Dead Marshes |
The Dread Realm - Noldor 34 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmThe Dread Realm - Dunedain Valour 32 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
The Working Crew 34 threat, cards up to The Sands of HaradDwarf Horde 31 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
In the Shadows 23 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosHobbit-sense 19 threat, cards up to Race Across Harad |
Blue Cheese 24 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastFaramir's Staging Assault 26 threat, cards up to Under the Ash Mountains |
Support of the Immortals 28 threat, cards up to The City of CorsairsBring Him Back 27 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
Ride for ruin... 32 threat, cards up to Race Across Harad..and the world's ending! 29 threat, cards up to The Mûmakil |
Fellowship of the ring - saga decks 1/2 26 threat, cards up to The Mountain of FireFellowship of the ring - saga decks 2/2 28 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
I'd Mount That - Dark Horse 33 threat, cards up to Beneath the SandsI'd Mount That - Gift Horse 30 threat, cards up to Beneath the Sands |
Fatty: One 28 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas HavenFatty: Two 23 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas HavenFatty: Three 22 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas HavenFatty: Four 7 threat, cards up to Temple of the Deceived |
Sam the Great Wanderer Warrior 8 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowOne and Two-Half Men 21 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowLet's Hunt Some Orcs 32 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
Silvan [physical deck] [1/4] 27 threat, cards up to The Sands of HaradPrince Imrahil [physical deck] [3/4] 32 threat, cards up to The City of CorsairsDale [physical deck] [4/4] 29 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionDúnedain [physical deck] [2/4] 27 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire |
Gondor Traps - Into Ithilien 28 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowGondor Boromir - Into Ithilien 29 threat, cards up to The Land of Shadow |
Direct Damage Zone! 28 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsLorien Elves that had lines in the movies. 29 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
The Hand of Mithrandir 25 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosA Hunter from the North 32 threat, cards up to The Sands of Harad |
Journey to Rhosgobel right 28 threat, cards up to A Journey to RhosgobelJourney to Rhosgobel Left 27 threat, cards up to A Journey to Rhosgobel |
Carn Dum Deck 2 23 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmCarn Dum Deck 1 28 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
The Line Unbroken - Journey to the Crossroads Deck 1 29 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowThe Line Unbroken - Journey to the Crossroads Deck 2 27 threat, cards up to The Land of Shadow |
Hail Theoden! 27 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsAiding Rohan 28 threat, cards up to The City of Corsairs |
Fast Hitching Hobbits: Shadow of the Past, Deck One 20 threat, cards up to The Crossings of PorosGuided by Galadriel: Shadow of the Past, Deck Two 21 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
Gondorian Swarm : the leaders 29 threat, cards up to The Black SerpentGondorian swarm : the fighters 29 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
Bear Necessities 31 threat, cards up to The Withered HeathEomer Goes Troll Trampling 29 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith GuratThe King Rides Forth! 29 threat, cards up to The Withered Heath |
frodo-grey wanderer-kampagne 0 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainridersgolum grey wanderer ka-ori 3 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrowtommy_sam_grauer-wanderer 8 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders |
Progression 20.1A 28 threat, cards up to Encounter at Amon DînProgression 20.1B 25 threat, cards up to On the Doorstep |
I've been everywhere 26 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsI've Battled Everything 29 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
Dwarves part 2 32 threat, cards up to The Sands of HaradDwarves part 1 24 threat, cards up to On the Doorstep |