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In Play
Discard Pile
Buster 38
I decided to make as low-threat a deck as I could with the cards I have - Denethor, Dúnhere and Eleanor. But unfortunately I got wrecked by the lack of willpower and location control. So I did the obvious and swapped Eleanor for Éowyn. Here it is!
Éowyn: For only two threat higher than Eleanor, and for 3 more, this was an easy choice. Quest with Éowyn every round, and beef her up with Protector of Lórien and The Favor of the Lady. Along with her ability, she can theoretically get 14!
Denethor: Use him to defend when you need to; otherwise use his ability. Put at least one Unexpected Courage on him to be able to defend and scry, or scry multiple times.
Dúnhere: He's the lead attacker for this deck. His ability is cool in theory, but unfortunately didn't work too well in live action.
Gandalf: Self-explanatory, and best used to take out a big enemy.
Beorn: He's here for the classic discard-with-Éowyn-bring-back-with-Stand and Fight.
Daughter of the Nimrodel: Heal with her at the end of every round.
Erebor Hammersmith: Mostly for chumping or whatever else is needed.
Gléowine: Card draw! This deck is really slow, and he is vital to get the cards you need into your hand.
Henamarth Riversong: More scrying, or an emergency chump.
Miner of the Iron Hills: Use him to get rid of Caught in a Web if you are unlucky enough to get it - otherwise he can chump or do whatever.
Envoy of Pelargir: This is the only resource generator I have outside of the sphere. Play when you can, and you could even use Stand and Fight after chumping.
Northern Tracker: So clutch, even with the steep price he's worth getting out as soon as you can. When he's not questing and exploring locations, he's a very solid attacker and defender, especially coming from .
Lórien Guide: Use her for questing and getting that extra progress.
A Light in the Dark: I originally put 3 in, but then realized it wasn't worth 2 resources to put an enemy in the staging area to give Dúnhere 1 boost. I left one in case you do need to do that, but worst case discard this with Éowyn's ability.
Hasty Stroke, Stand and Fight: Pretty obvious, and keep a resource or two every round in case you need to use one of these.
The Galadhrim's Greeting: The games I played were really drawn out, so you'll need this maybe more than you'd think.
Strength of Will: Another clear choice.
Other Attachments
Power in the Earth: This can help if you get bogged down with locations, but it's almost just as valuable to discard to give to Éowyn.
Forest Snare: For trapping Ungoliant's Spawn and Chieftain Ufthak.
This deck takes awhile to get warmed up, but can also be hard to kill. All my testing games went at least nine rounds. That being said, card draw is really important to speed things up, and threat reduction to keep things survivable. Wise management of enemies and the encounter deck is also crucial. I played conservatively, killing off enemies as quick as I could while questing with Éowyn. By the time she was powered up, I had several allies to help her and free up Denethor. It takes a while, but this deck can be good at full strength. Happy questing!