The Misty Mountains Bear the Sons of Elrond to Gondor

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Wheeler 1

The focus of this deck is on getting the best use out of the sons of Elrond in combination with the resource acceleration of Mablung to help pay for our attachments as well as the many eagles that will take to the field. However, this deck is a slow starter in terms of willpower and its overall ability to quest, and so it is better played in multiplayer than true solo play. With that said, a Celebrían's Stone on Mablung, Bofur, Erestor, Envoy of Pelargir, and even the Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Gwaihir can put in a fair bit of work if need be.

Key Combinations

Steward of Gondor, Gondorian Shield, and Elven Mail allows Elrohir to near endlessly defend for both you and the other players if he has the resources.

Rivendell Blade, Rivendell Bow, and Support of the Eagles grants Elladan the capability to strike at much of the board if he has the resources to do so, and the ability to fell some strong opponents almost single handedly.

Engaging enemies gives us extra resources because of Mablung, and we can distribute them amongst the brothers if required.

Valiant Sacrifice, Foe-hammer, and Erestor provide us with card draw. On top of that, both Bofur and The Eagles Are Coming! help us thin the deck by searching for our weapons and eagles.

Landroval ensures that any heroes on the board caught by treacheries, shadows, or just super powered enemies remain alive, and Gwaihir allows us to recycle spent eagles, including Landroval himself.

Card Considerations

Ally Galadriel is a very good card for both getting us key attachments and providing willpower. However, Hero Galadriel is also a very good card and oftentimes sees play. To avoid unique conflicts, I have omitted her from the main deck, but she can easily slot herself in — Likely in stead of Envoy of Pelargir. Likewise, the ever reliable Gandalf and Sneak Attack combination can easily be played here, but I thought I'd exclude the wizard because it's fun to see his hero version being used by other players. However, Gandalf is our only source of threat reduction, so he is always a welcome addition if either his hero version isn't being played or threat is otherwise an issue.

Finally, an extra Rivendell Blade and Rivendell Bow can be swapped in for Celebrían's Stone if they're other players at the table that either run it themselves or are much more suited to questing than you are. Likewise, this makes it easier for Bofur to pull both of these weapons from the deck. If playing solo, the Rivendell Bows can be replaced by the Blade of Gondolin to help with the decks lack of willpower/location control.