Quest for 9, Attack for 9

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Qwaz 410

This isn't what i'd think of as a top-tier deck. it came from the hero seletion and is in certain areas hamstrung because of this but the idea was interesting and the deck is certainy functional

The idea behind this deck is to use your heroes 7/9 , then use their 9 too. The sub themes are a bit of location control and the staples. It really needs a Sentinal deck to pair with as there's no to speak of and works even better as you head into 3 or 4 player (as you're more likely to see surge and have locations to explore).

Mulligan for Light of Valinor. That should be the only action advantage your deck needs thanks to Idraen's and Lanwyn's inbuilt readying.


Nearly half your deck is allies and thier effects vary between straight up questing power, location control and resource generation/deck stacking.


Not much here. Some card draw that you should hopefully be able to engineer to hit yourself. and Light of Valinor for Glorfindel. The Unexpected Courages are supposed to be played on someone else's deck.


There's plenty of cancelation for you to play with. Some recursion since you're dumping things into your discard pile with Zigil Miner & a little threat reduction. Hopefully the Hidden Cache will fall to the miner too but if not they help out with ...

Card Draw

Without using Galadriel or a hero who can chuck Elven-light at will, card draw becomes a problem and is definitely this deck's weakest area. Your location control should let you trigger Ancient Mathom on yourself reliably and if you're swimming in resources then you can consider intentionally not mining the Hidden Cache to pay for some card draw. I often find myself using Dwarven Tomb to drag an Ancient Mathom back to my hand.

Don't forget if someone else is unfortunate enough to have a card draw ally land in their discard pile (Gléowine or Legolas say) you can Stand and Fight them into your service!

Resource Generation

The forbidden love of Imladris Stargazer & Zigil Miner continues to enrich our lives & it's supplimented with some buried treasure


Some quest specific options to deal with condition attachements & threat ramping.