The Long Sight of Denethor

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Herumen 558


"He is not as other men of this time, Pippin, and whatever be his descent from father to son, by some chance the blood of Westernesse runs nearly true in him. He has long sight. He can perceive, if he bends his will thither, much of what is passing in the minds of men, even of those that dwell far off. It is difficult to deceive him, and dangerous to try."

--Gandalf, LotR V, p.35


This deck is built around trying to use Palantir to its maximum benefit/minimum penalty. Risk Some Light is a ideal companion to Palantir, and Secrecy is an ideal environment for Risk Some Light. Denethor fits the theme naturally, and his low starting threat benefits a Secrecy deck.


Denethor 1 1 3(6) 3 Leadership
Attachments: Heir of Mardil, Steward of Gondor, Palantir, DĂșnedain Warning x1-3
When encounter scrying is available, Denethor can draw cards with Palantir, then gain resources with Steward of Gondor and ready with Heir of Mardil to defend.

Glorfindel 3 3(6) 1 5 Spirit
Attachments: Light of Valinor, Asfaloth
Glorfindel will typically quest then attack with Fair and Perilous, as well as provide some location progress with Asfaloth.

Pippin 2 1 1 2 Lore
Attachments: none
Pippin provides the icon and his low starting threat for Secrecy. He can also contribute some engagement control and card drawing, and will typically quest each round.


Over half the allies and one-third of the events benefit from Secrecy, making this a pretty low-cost deck. Thus, Resourceful was omitted, though the thematic Steward of Gondor is included, as well as Envoy of Pelargir who can provide her resource to Denethor or Glorfindel (Pippin has the lowest cost total to pay for, anyway).

Lots of encounter deck scrying--Celduin Traveler, Henamarth Riversong, Ithilien Lookout, Needful to Know, Risk Some Light & Scout Ahead--provides encounter control, as well as card drawing with Palantir & threat reduction with Needful to Know. Risk Some Light & Scout Ahead scry the deepest into the deck to maximize Palantir's card drawing and minimize its threat penalty. Gandalf, Elrond's Counsel & Needful to Know help offset the threat penalty, when incurred, and keep the threat below Secrecy level.


6 Resource Acceleration/Cost Discount: Denethor, Envoy of Pelargir, Steward of Gondor, plus Secrecy discounts

6 Card Drawing: Pippin, Gandalf, Palantir

8 Threat Reduction: Gandalf, Elrond's Counsel, Needful to Know

2 Mustering: Sneak Attack

3 Willpower Boost: Elrond's Counsel

3 Attack Boost: Fair and Perilous

3 Defense Boost: DĂșnedain Warning

0 Hit Point Boost:

17 Encounter Scrying: Celduin Traveler, Henamarth Riversong, Ithilien Lookout, Palantir, Needful to Know, Risk Some Light, Scout Ahead

9 Encounter Control: Celduin Traveler, Ithilien Lookout, Risk Some Light

3 Engagement Control: Ithilien Lookout

4 Location Control: Asfaloth, Celduin Traveler

3 Treachery Control: Risk Some Light

2 Shadow Control: Hasty Stroke

5 Readying: Heir of Mardil, Light of Valinor

2 Healing/Damage Cancellation: Imladris Caregiver, Ioreth

0 Condition Control:

18 Secrecy: Celduin Traveler, DĂșnedain Wanderer, Ithilien Lookout, Rivendell Scout, Needful to Know, Risk Some Light


Actual costs with Secrecy & mustering:


Nov 05, 2016 Relmbob 71

Impressive deck write-up. Do you find that it's worth using the Palantir when you can only scry the top card of the encounter deck?

Nov 05, 2016 Herumen 558

@Relmbob Thanks! Short answer: Nope. That's why I like using Risk Some Light & Scout Ahead, as they let you scry the top 3-5 cards and provide some encounter deck control, as well.

Nov 05, 2016 Qwaz 410

The benefit of the Palantir is the scrying rather than the cards. Its very powerful that way but I'm not convinced it's a good fit for a secrecy deck. Usually secrecy only cares about the first couple of rounds but with so much of the deck benefiting from secrecy I'd arguably side board Palantir for Out of the Wild or similar.

Nov 05, 2016 Herumen 558

@Qwaz Thanks for your comment. The deck is basically an exercise in trying to get the maximum benefit (card drawing) and minimum deficit (threat increase) from Palantir. You won't use it every turn, just when the other forms of scrying let you know it's a relatively safe bet. Yes, there are other more consistent ways of drawing cards as well as less costly ways of encounter scrying than Palantir. But again, the deck is an exercise...

Nov 05, 2016 Skeffington 238

Cool Support Deck. I did not recognize good ways to use the Palantir until now :)

Nov 06, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

I like the idea of this deck quite a bit. Encounter deck manipulation is not a strategy I see being explored that often, mainly I think due to the fact that the power of the strategy seems underpowered compared to other more obvious strategies.

I am curious about your use of Leadership in the deck though. I seems to me that you could create a more powerful support deck using Lore Denethor in conjunction with Palantir, along with other card draw and manipulation effects from the Lore sphere. Provided you have another deck being played that can cover combat, you could develop a pretty potent questing deck that also provides a lot of information to your group about what you'll be facing via encounter manipulation. Just a thought.

Nov 07, 2016 Herumen 558

@D4rkWolf10 Good point re: vs. Denethor, especially since Leadership's resource acceleration isn't really that crucial if you stay in secrecy mode. Fine tuning for a purely support role is definitely something to consider. Thanks!