Green Wanderer fuels Ents and Northern Trackers

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Green Wanderer fuels Ents and Northern Trackers 0 0 0 2.0
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Flrbb 170

Flrbb has a newer deck inspired by this one: Green Wanderer fuels Ents and Northern Trackers

Grey Wanderer deck which abilities can be useful used from the very beginning without neglection. Strider is your attachment. Exhaust Beravor to draw two cards, then use contract to ready Beravor and gain two resources. A start with 8 cards (plus Strider) and 3 resources. Quest for at least 4 and have 2 defense, just in case.

Starting hand:
I'd probably would hard mulligan for Resourceful, but a start without is also not that bad. Timely Aid is a good card, also Entmoot or even Treebeard (cannot be played in the first round, though).

Design notes:
With low starting threat, the ents do have their time to be played and ready. Also, spirit allies for location control. There are too many good cards which fit, but I want not to exceed the 50 cards. So some cards which are not prio 1 are only two times in the deck. Also, side board does contain additional cards. I think, the deck/playstyle would benefit from those, but again the deck size is the limit. First cards to cut are Rivendell Scouts and maybe Dunedain Pipe or Spare Pipe.

Sphere distribution:
As you can only play one off-sphere per round, you should focus on playing one each round. Otherwise you would end up having only non-lore, non-neutral cards in your hand. I think, adding more off-sphere cards is not advisable. Also, I really liked to add A Test of Will, but as only the first card can be off-sphere, you could not play any cards during the planing phase (not even lore or neutral).


Feb 27, 2024 Neoptolemos 5

You wouldn't be able to play A Test of Will at all, since contract doesn't allow you to play out-of-sphere cards outside planning phase (even if you skip playing anything during planning).

Feb 27, 2024 Flrbb 170

You are right. I completely overlooked that part of the wording.

Feb 27, 2024 doomguard 2121

consider : a) Gaining Strength to get the chance to play Treebeard 1. round

b) choose Song of Kings as defaulattachment. yes you quest for 2 less 1. round, but you can mix lore and leadership as you wish, not only 1 leadership at the start of the round and then only next round again. specially with much carddraw it makes sense. specially if you include a. you will get out allies much faster ans spare you 1. nonspherecard for the spiritallies

Feb 27, 2024 Flrbb 170

The difference between 4 and 2 willpower on round one is huge. (especially, because the ents won't add anything in the first round, too). I will try Song of Kings, though.

Gaining Strength would be an option, but because Ents cannot really quest in the round they enter play, Man the Walls might be even better.

Feb 27, 2024 doomguard 2121

or both (strength, and Man the Walls) i think the +2 willpower are not this much of a difference in solo. its no problem to eat some thread in the first round, you will have enough rounds left to get your Resourceful out and the increased fastness will soon make it better.

Feb 27, 2024 Flrbb 170

With a Song of Kings, I would not cut Rivendell Scouts first anymore. Spare Pipe was intended to cut down deck size (with a bit of luck you draw another card) and also Dúnedain Pipe serves the purpose to see the right cards early. Probably it would be the best choice to exchange these 4 cards for Man the Walls and Gaining Strength?!

Feb 28, 2024 doomguard 2121

its math. you can only play 1 nonlore-card at a rund. as it stand at the moment, you have 21 not-lre, not-neutral. do u want to play 21 runds? even if you are lucky and can reduce it by 3 because every Timely Aid hit a spirit or tactic-ally, it would be 18 rounds. most games are over within 8-10 rounds.

with beravor, heed the dream, entmoot, perhaps a gandalf for draw, timely aid and some with pipes, you draw 3 per round + about 20 cards. so, within 10 rounds you might see your whole deck. that makes 8 dead cards + double uniques. seems unefficient to me. with Song of Kings 1. these 8 are not dead and helps to get it all faster and only for the cost of 2 wp less. if its not a sprint where from the start everything counts heavyly, i would prefer the efficient way and add some ld-cards.

@pipes, i think 1 Dúnedain Pipe is enough, Spare Pipe could help to find a Timely Aid (that with Song of Kings can now be played same round) but i think Daeron's Runes are more efficient. the 1 hp from a Spare Pipe coould also be nice.

so if it was my deck i would concrete:


would cut for that:

i just see, you have only 1 Treebeard max to 3 (he is the best ally you have and the better the more early he is out), perhaps discard the 2 Gandalf for it or the 2 Ithilien Lookout. going for ents you do not need them. cheap blockers are the Rivendell Scout

if you want to include even more speed, include Daeron's Runes, either on top, or for Heed the Dream.

if playing solo and have enemy from the start engaged, consider if availaible The One Ring + Inner Strength

Feb 28, 2024 AzogTheUruk 21

While I like Strider as much as anyone else, I've been playing Grey Beravor with Song of Travel as my setup attachment so I can play cards at any time (plus Song of Kings and Song of Battle later in the game). Outlands allies are great with many Grey Wanderer builds imo, and Protector of Lórien & Elven-light combo nicely for added and card draw (Elven-light also combos nicely with Daeron's Runes, turning it into pay 1 draw 3)! I also run a full set of Resourceful!

With all that said, I like the Ent vibe you're going for!

Mar 01, 2024 Flrbb 170

I tried Man the Walls, but as this is the first off-sphere card then, (without Song of Kings) you can only play a lore ally afterwards and no off-sphere ally before. So, as much as I do like that card in a 4 player game, I also have to admit that it does block the play-ability of this deck concept. With a Song of Kings, a Gaining Strength fits better, because that one is playable with or without an green ally at hands.

@doomguard the Hauberk of Mail is meant for Derndingle Warrior! Attach a Ent Draught, too. So you get a defender with 6 shield and a 4 hit points buffer - which I'd say is huge.

A late Strider, when you probably do already have more than 5 characters, is not that much of worth in this deck, because defending with your only hero is not that wise and +2 is not much needed with this deck. So on a quest which requires early willpower I am still tempted to use Strider, otherwise a Song as starting card is the card to go.

Mar 01, 2024 doomguard 2121

the Derndingle Warrior has warrior-trait, i was not aware of that. thats cool. think its the only ent with an additional trait.then it is worth it (a ent with a mail, non-thematic as hell but hey thats a different story ^^ )

@ Man the Walls with Treebeard you can play an tactic-ent if i thought it right (not 100% sure of that). @strider, as u mentioned, you get that bonus only about 3-4 rounds (then you should have 5 allies). that would be in worst case 6-8 thread, i would every game prefer the song over it. specially if it get you an additional ally 1. round, then asuming it questing in round 2 its only 2 thread overall.