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In Play
Discard Pile
zfevu 9
This deck centers around Arwen Undómiel, using her ability combined with Elven-light to draw many cards in the early game and provide resources to pay for cards in the mid-late game.
The general idea is to use Beravor to start drawing cards immediately, while Théodred's primary use is to generate resources by questing. Typically he just needs enough to get Steward of Gondor onto Arwen, and then to sit on 1 for Sneak Attack.
Arwen Undómiel is the primary quester, stacking Celebrían's Stone and Windfola to get her to 6 and ensure her questing goes through. Théodred becomes a decent quester once The Favor of the Lady is attached.
Beravor should get the first Unexpected Courage (or two), as she's great to draw two cards and then quest/defend using Protector of Lórien to resist most foes. Wingfoot also succeeds 100% of the time when paired with Henamarth Riversong.
Beyond that, the game plan is to cycle Elven-light to draw your deck. You'll always have encounter deck options available with Hasty Stroke and A Test of Will, Elrond's Counsel and Sneak Attack / Gandalf.
Beechbone and Derndingle Warrior are super strong combat allies you can bring out by discarding them and playing Stand and Fight, at the end of the turn so they immediately refresh. You can also generate 5 resources per turn between upkeep, Arwen's ability, Theodred's ability, and the Steward of Gondor, to recycle Glorfindel as much as necessary.
You have a ton of draw and can recycle your deck with Will of the West, so some staples are played at 2x (you'll see them quickly, can find them with Heed the Dream, and can recover them from the discard with Stand and Fight).
Imladris Caregiver can be used to heal up by discarding as well (although if you have Warden of Healing, it's just better). If I were to cut/change up something, it might be the Northern Trackers, as though while they were great when this was a core set deck, they increasingly seem too expensive for the payoff.