Lorfindel's Redemption, or The Incredible Hulks

Questlogs using this decklist
A Knife in the Dark - 1 Player - 2022-01-05
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2022-01-05
The Caves of Nibin-Dûm - 1 Player - 2022-01-05
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kjeld 659

I was looking at Lorefindel again after many moons relegating him to the binder, and realized that he could be the lynchpin for a different take on the new Bree undefended attacks archetype introduced by ALeP's "The Gap of Rohan" set. This is the result.

First, Glorfindel provides a critical secondary target for undefended attacks in case our heroic bartender gets overwhelmed. His 3 is also crucial in a mono- deck to keep the smaller enemies at bay, and his native access to Asfaloth is absolutely huge.

Second, I doubled-down on mono-'s extreme card drawing capacity with Daeron's Runes, Deep Knowledge, and Mithrandir's Advice on top of Gléowine, Barliman Butterbur, and Haleth. This deck draws itself by turn 5 or 6 usually, which means that I can run 1x of many key cards, leaving more room for utility tech like The Great Hunt, 3x Woodmen's Clearing, and The White Council (which is useful to get back something important from the discard pile before end game).

Third, I leaned into the Scroll of Isildur, Bartering, Sword-thain combo. With a ton of cheap unique allies -- Ioreth, Gléowine, Henamarth Riversong, etc. -- I typically get to four heroes by Round 2 or 3 at the latest. Add in the new Seasoned Forager and the deck gets an effective 5 resources per round -- enough to straight play Firyal or Gildor Inglorion. This also helps preserve some resources for Glorfindel's ability in a pinch, though I rarely need it.

Fourth, I run 3x Ent Draught with just a bare-bones contingent of four Ents, again thanks to the massive card draw. This lets Glorfindel and Barliman both tank undefended attacks of 6 or 7 without a sweat, especially with Bree Pony and Loyal Hound as backup. For really big enemies, Treebeard with the third Ent Draught can handle up to 9 . Barring that, Erebor Hammersmith, Bob, or another ally can chump without slowing momentum too much.

Fifth, I packed a ridiculous amount of healing with Ioreth, Warden of Healing, Self Preservation, Pint, and Half-pint. The deck can easily heal off 8-10 points of damage by end game.

The deck could certainly be optimized in various ways, notably by running The One Ring and Well Preserved to make Barliman Butterbur a complete Hulk. An alternate build could also use Helm of Secrecy to replace Mirlonde with a hero (preferably Harry Goatleaf, but also possibly Merry or Eleanor as needed) once Sword-thain is accomplished. This would open access to helpful cards like Light of Valinor, A Test of Will, and A Stout Heart.

In any case, I find this deck a ton of fun to play as with all the 1x cards it always plays out a little differently each time.


Jan 07, 2022 doomguard 2121

and you can see how bad lorefindel is, if you replace him with Elrond, what is about +30´-40 % for the whole healing, the only flaw, asfaloth loose his bonus.

Jan 07, 2022 kjeld 659

I think it's more that Elrond is OP rather than that Lorefindel is so bad. In this deck, his 3 in is actually quite handy, as you just need 2 more to get to 5, which is good to kill many small-mid enemies. And even without readying the scry effects from Firyal and Henamarth Riversong mean that you at least get to choose which of these stats to use on any given round. It doesn't much matter that he has low , since it never gets used. I agree that he's a very modest hero, but he also fits this very modest deck. It won't take on anything fiendishly difficult, but it's a lot of fun to see if you can puzzle through normal quests with this toolbox.

Jan 07, 2022 doomguard 2121

Glorfindel is playable but far from good and i think there is always an alternative that is better.

i used him i campaignmode. usually play with the spiritversion but for 1 or 2 szenarios i switched to him (where healing is good e.g. against much archery)

Jan 07, 2022 kjeld 659

Yes, that is unfortunately the case for a long-running game with a large card pool -- there are inevitably some cards that are just better than others. That said, the advantage of this deck is that is quite multi-player friendly. Spirfindel is not used quite as much these days, and there are few other essential cards in the deck (other than Sword-thain) that cannot be done without. If someone was playing Spirfindel, then you could always sub in hero Treebeard.

But what I love about this game, since it's co-op or single-player, is that there's always an opportunity to go back, dust off the coasters, and give them a spin!

Jan 10, 2022 Álvaro 32

Really cool deck. I always have some kind of a soft spot for poor Lore Glorfindel, which grew even more when i beat The Fortress of Nûrn with him. I created a deck entirely focused on beating that quest alone, and he was one of the cornerstones.