Spelunking with the Wind-lord

Questlogs using this decklist
Semi-Cycle Progression Group - Into the Pit - 4 Players - 2024-06-27
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Windlord’s Retinue 29 18 7 1.0
Inspiration for
Spelunking with the Wind-lord 1 1 0 2.0
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easypat 15

easypat has a newer deck inspired by this one: Spelunking with the Wind-lord

Built for use in a 4P fellowship in the Dwarrowdelf cycle.

Using Brand son of Bain to pair with Merry for some shenanigans.

Ultimately I just wanted to play an Eagles deck using Gwaihir to prove that you can hunt orcs and goblins in their caves with wings and beaks.

Ideally try to mulligan for Word of Command or Radagast's Staff to get Eagles of the Misty Mountains on the table right away for 2. With Gwaihir, Wilyador, and Brand son of Bain the aim is to be a support tactics deck picking off enemies engaged with other players. Building up Eagles of the Misty Mountains by bouncing Eagles in and out using Born Aloft, Meneldor's Flight, and Flight of the Eagles will give us the option to attach them to EoMM or use them for their abilities to clear locations from the staging area (Meneldor can contribute 2 directly, or you can bounce Eagle Emissary to quest and bring it back after the resolution step). The sooner they can be built up the better off we'll be. The early sections of DD can be tough without a little bit of self-defense, as Gwaihir will be used mostly for his sentinel ability.

Secret Vigil is included to try to bring the starting threat down a bit when coming across higher threat Goblins and Trolls, and it shines in a higher player count game. The White Council is also included because it benefits from having 4 players where the readying can counter some encounter swarm mechanics. Use Radagast to play Messenger Raven for little to nothing (it costs 1 anyway), where it helps the player who's playing Gandalf.


Jun 28, 2024 doomguard 2121

interesting option with brand

would include either Favor of the Valar for safety-thread-reducing, Keen as Lances might also do. imo Secret Vigil is not so good calculatable (the enemys you might put it on have nearly a full rund behind them and might not survive until the next planningphase specially with 4 pl or are immun to attachments or have only 1-2 thread)

would increase Meneldor to 3. specially in multiplayer with much locations he is worth in gold. try let him dying and play again or use Meneldor's Flight flight on him. Flight of the Eagles would be also nice.

Jun 28, 2024 easypat 15

@doomguard If the player piloting the Merry deck can keep engaging with enemies then Brand son of Bain can keep attacking, making good use of Support of the Eagles which can scale in the late game assuming Eagles of the Misty Mountains survives long enough.

Adding Favor of the Valar is a fantastic idea! There was a point where I got to 48 threat and wasn't sure if I'd survive another treachery until someone played Gather Information which let me mine for Secret Vigil. Like you said, it takes an entire turn to get it deployed so it's useless as a reactionary tool. @rueful_knight was running with 3x Out of the Wild which we could use to make Keen as Lances cheap to deploy.

I'd agree that Secret Vigil is a hard card to get out, but balancing a board-wide 3 threat reduction for a cost of 1 vs 2 for 3 with The Galadhrim's Greeting I'd take the preparatory card along to contribute still.

I'll likely swap out Landroval for a third Meneldor like you suggest. He came in clutch more than once. I do have 3x Flight of the Eagles already included which I sat on for far too long and didn't get to play until after the first encounter deck shuffle.

Jun 28, 2024 doomguard 2121

"interesting" was no critism. in multi specially with merry its great. but, it makes a good use of Secret Vigil more unlikely becaue if u kill all enemys you cannot attach something to them ^^ Flight of the Eagles is not only good for the Eagle of the North imo the maineffect is, to get a eagle back to ready Gwaihir and specially with Meneldor or Descendant of Thorondor you get the leave-effect.

the Eagle of the North is ore for longer quest, but i rate it more as a side-effect, the main is to get eagle back. same as Meneldor's Flight with sideeffect but wit cost of 1. i rate it better than Born Aloft because you can use it more flexible in every phase.

Jun 28, 2024 easypat 15

True, if you keep wiping the board Secret Vigil is definitely harder to play! Having an agreement to leave some enemies around to make use of it either trapped (if able) or feinted, especially on players who aren't playing Merry, works well.

I definitely didn't take your comment about Brand son of Bain as criticism! This deck was borrowed from a different deck, but it fits in well with the smorgasbord of a fellowship we'd assembled for Dwarrowdelf.