Spirit Reanimator

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Grignr 5

Ever feel sad when your favorite hero or ally died? Don't fret, just learn how to bring back the dead with this spirit reanimator deck!

Start by loading up your discard pile from your deck (Círdan the Shipwright, Emery, Erebor Guard, Zigil Miner) and your hand (Arwen Undómiel, Elven Jeweler, Guardian of Rivendell, Steed of Imladris and later Glorfindel). Along the way, find some hidden treasures with Ered Luin Miner and Hidden Cache.

Then reanimate the dead with Caldara (brings back two or even three allies with the help of Sword-thain), Stand and Fight, and the built in powers of Glorfindel and Elven-light. Don't worry, Prince Imrahil will step in for your lost hero and you can bring her back later with Fortune or Fate.

In the mid-game, push your questing power with allies that explore locations in the staging area (Northern Tracker, Rhovanion Outrider).

Finally, you can use Dwarven Tomb and Will of the West to reset your deck and repeat the process all over again. (Sadly, you can only use Caldara's power once per game.)

Happy reanimating!

Example FIRST turn from testing:

  1. Círdan the Shipwright draw: draw Pelargir Shipwright, discard Northern Tracker.
  2. Play Emery with power, discard from deck Elven-light, Steed of Imladris and Hidden Cache (add 2 resources up to 5).
  3. Put into play Elven Jeweler using action from hand, discard Northern Tracker and Pelargir Shipwright.
  4. Play Sword-thain on Emery.
  5. Sacrifice Caldara to reanimate Northern Tracker x2 and Pelargir Shipwright. You could wait to do this, but just to show what I could have done on turn 1.

Some card explanations:

  • Emery x 3 is here because she is important for both filling the discard pile and supplying a cheap unique ally for Sword-thain.
  • 3 Sword-thain because you want this early before you activate Caldara's power. You could go down to 2 but this would reduce the chance of an early combo. Keep in mind that this deck has lots of ways to discard extra unique cards.
  • Only 2 Ered Luin Miner and Guardian of Rivendell because they are not spirit and therefore cannot be targeted by Caldara, Stand and Fight or Dwarven Tomb.
  • Don't forget to save Will of the West or Dwarven Tomb to get it back because once you dump your deck you don't get any new cards.
  • No A Test of Will, Unexpected Courage, or other standard spirit cards because, after all, this is a cooperative game and we can make a fun, themed deck without always including the power cards!