Adventures in Mirkwood


Two decks designed to tackle the Core Campaign as well as the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle.

Captain Deck /

While Aragorn is - as always - a stalwart presence and a designated questor and defender, Legolas is meant to be the star of the show.

Use Legolas' Ranged ability to clear out enemies for both decks and contribute quest progress while doing so. He is a good option for Steward of Gondor because it will allow him to benefit from Gondorian Fire. After buffing him up, use Rohan Warhorse to attack again. In a pinch, use Black Arrow to take down a particularly tough enemy.

Théodred and a pair of Errand-rider allies help smooth resource distribution for both decks.


Errand-rider could be replaced with Horn of Gondor and Song of Battle. Celebrían's Stone may be worth including (particularly if Silver Lamp is in the Support Deck). Spear of the Citadel could be used to buff up Defender of Rammas.

Support Deck /

There is a lot of flexibility in this deck. Éowyn, as usual, is expected to quest each round. Denethor and Eleanor provide encounter mitigation.

Map of Earnil and a selection of events allow continued use of key cards throughout the game. A particular standout is Stand and Fight, which can be used to great effect to bring back allies during the Combat Phase. It is recommended to get a Gondorian Spearman into the Captain Deck's discard fairly early on so that the Support deck can put him into play and declare him as a defender at a crucial moment.

Use Arwen Undómiel to buff a Defender of Rammas for a 5 defender with Sentinel.


Envoy of Pelargir, Miner of the Iron Hills, A Burning Brand, and Fortune or Fate can be swapped out.

Replacement Options: Silver Lamp, A Light in the Dark, Elrond's Counsel, Power of Orthanc, Strider's Path


Apr 08, 2022 Marctimmins89 116

Cool decks! I was wondering what you target with Map of Earnil, but having a few good options is a cool idea.

Apr 08, 2022 thecrazyscotsman 14

It's mostly meant to provide further uses for Stand and Fight or The Galadhrim's Greeting, but can be used to get Dwarven Tomb back as well to then combo to get A Test of Will back.

But, I haven't had to use it yet, so honestly it could probably be trimmed to get the card count down a little. I just like having a little insurance policy!

Apr 08, 2022 thecrazyscotsman 14

To add, if any of the replacement cards are used, it gains a few more options for use.