wait no longer through hidden ways
doomguard 2190
this fellowship is designed to face every quest with a good chance of winning and only need 1 set of cards. to keep it simple they are all mono-spheredecks.
main strategy:
reduce staging with
synergies/roles between the decks:
- build questpower with spirit and lore, fight with tactic
- Arwen Undómiel can give res to Aragorn or Elrond
- Aragorn can engage enemies from the others
- Elrond boost healing for Warden of Healing and contract Forth, The Three Hunters!
- the spiritdeck take care of locations
advices inside a deck:
- mulligan for Wait no Longer
- with Mablung u get a res every time you engage an enemy once per phase. with Wait no Longer normal engaging in engage-phase and additional engaging with Aragorn in combatphase, you can pile up to 3 extrares, that makes the Wait no Longer basicialy free
- with Háma u can get the used Wait no Longer back, in desperate need you can choose to get a Feint or Foe-hammer back
- the Forth, The Three Hunters! lt you equip cheap so u have the money for the events
- if the other quest enough consider flipp later to get more discount
- Mablung can become very goood defender with Gondorian Shield and Raiment of War (5 def 6 hp)
- give up to 4 weapons (with Golden Belt) to Aragorn, so he can singlehandly kill most enemys, for harder ones or if u need his ability add Háma
- try to get additional actions for Aragorn there are more options: Onward Into Battle, Rohan Warhorse or a Unexpected Courage from spirit
- mulligan for Vilya
- Gildor Inglorion let you use Vilya very precisely
- Beravor support with cards where ever it is neded
- Cloak of Lórien and possible Gondorian Shield from tactic makes noldor to good defender (if needed)
- try to get a Light of Valinor or Unexpected Courage for the noldor
- can recycle The Hidden Way with Scroll of Isildur
- 3 spiritheroes makes the Pelargir Shipwright good
- can share Unexpected Courage and Light of Valinor to others
- with Éowyn each player can use her ability so you can boost willpoer by 3 if needed
- with Imladris Stargazer and Zigil Miner you have good mining try to get Hidden Cache and Ered Luin Miner with it
- the only A Test of Will are here
- Eleanor can cancel gameending tracheries
- within szenarios with very big enemy (e.g. dragon) from the start, consider replace one of the heroes with Dáin Ironfoot he also supports mining but yo have less wilpower or lack Eleanors ability
- you might often support Elrond with Arwen Undómiel, specially if you mine for yourself