Isildur's Legacy

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Dúnedain Rangers
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Urthli 360


This deck is part of a three player fellowship featuring thematic Dúnedain decks.


When crafting these three decks, I used a single cardpool in which every Adventure Pack or Expansion is only included once. So if one deck plays 3x Dúnedain Hunter, the other two decks won't be playing that card at all.

Isildur's Legacy

The premis of this deck is to play a million and one Title. and Artifact. attachments on Aragorn as The Grey Wanderer while putting some strong allies into play.


During setup, attach Estel to Aragorn and use the contract to give him Elessar as well. This way you will have immediately 5 traits on Aragorn and full access to both the and cards. With 5 traits on Aragorn you can search the top 5 cards of your deck for any card by exhausting Estel. At any time, you can use Aragorn's ability to ready a 1-cost Title. This way you can be useful to get multiple uses out of Estel or Elessar. The more traits you accumulate on Aragorn, the further you can search. The deck also plays multiple copies of unique cards which you can use to discard when searching with Estel.

When played together with The Path Less Trodden you will hopefully be able to complete Gather Information by the end of the first quest phase and grab Strider from your deck.

Still during setup you should also attach The One Ring to Aragorn as his first artifact attachment add Strength and Courage or Inner Strength to your hand. This will pair well with Ring of Barahir and the other artifact attachments (Andúril, Elendilmir, Sword that was Broken).

Surprisingly, with this many attachments, Aragorn has just 2 restricted attachments: Andúril and The One Ring.

Once you have your three main title attachments - Estel, Elessar & Strider - in play, Grey Companion turns into a 2 cost ally with excellent stats. Meanwhile, the Vigilant Dúnadan should be able to defend without exhausting the moment Gather Information hits the victory display. Arwen Undómiel is there to contribute to questing and can give Vigilant Dúnadan +1 . Masters of the Forge to helps you dig for attachments. Gandalf is a semi hero in this deck. With Shadowfax and his Gandalf's Staff he can provide some much needed card draw, while also being able to quest, defend and attack.

Finally, the Wild Stallion allows you to boost your already powerful allies even further. Gandalf could reach 5 on every stat. Vigilant Dúnadan could defend for 3 without exhausting. Grey Companion can be a 4 sentinel ally. let's also not forget about Arwen and Elessar to boost their even higher if needed.

Since the deck plays The Grey Wanderer, Gandalf and The One Ring you will be increasing your threat multiple times per round. To benefit from secrecy for as long as possible I included Elrond's Counsel and A Lesson in Caution. With Estel in play from setup, Aragorn is a Noldor which lets you play Elrond's Counsel right from the start.


This deck is meant to be thematic for Aragorn's story. His early years spent in Rivendell, his time as a ranger and his journey to reclaim the throne of Gondor.

At a young age Aragorn was fostered by Elrond in Rivendell and the elves named him Estel. At the age of 20, Lord Elrond informed Aragorn of his heritage and gave him the Ring of Barahir. It was around this time that Aragorn fell in love with Elrond's daughter, Arwen Undómiel. Elrond forbade him to marrying Arwen unless he would become king of both Arnor and Gondor. Not long after, Aragorn became the 16th Chieftain of the Dúnedain and went into the wild to live as a ranger with the rest of his kin. The Dúnedain keep a watchful eye over the Lost Realm of Arnor and safeguard The Shire. Though, ancient ruins and small towns, such as Bree or Trestlebridge are all that remain. During his time as a ranger, Aragorn became a close friend to Gandalf the Grey and would be known as Strider to the people of these lands.

Dragncard Replays

Single Player



Mar 15, 2024 Whispers 463

Nice deck, Maybe consider Resourceful ?

Why do you noit play sidequests ? with Vigilant Dúnadan it s super strong !

Mar 15, 2024 Urthli 360

Hi, I went with Steward of Gondor over Resourceful because it is also a Title attachment. This means Aragorn would gain a resource icon from having it attached.

I agree, Vigilant Dúnadan is incredibly strong with a sidequest in the victory display. Especially with Wild Stallion and Arwen Undómiel in play. Together they boost him to a solid 4 . There is also the option to exhaust Elessar (multiple times) to get his even higher for a single attack if needed.

The reason I don't play any sidequests in this deck is because it is part of a Dúnedain fellowship where one deck - The Path Less Trodden - takes care of sidequest support.

Mar 15, 2024 Urthli 360

I went with Steward of Gondor over Resourceful because it is also a Title attachment. This means Aragorn would gain a resource icon from having it attached.

I agree, Vigilant Dúnadan is incredibly strong with a sidequest in the victory display. Especially with Wild Stallion and Arwen Undómiel in play. Together they boost him to a solid 4 . There is also the option to exhaust Elessar (multiple times) to get his even higher for a single attack if needed.

The reason I don't play any sidequests in this deck is because it is part of a Dúnedain fellowship where one deck - The Path Less Trodden - takes care of sidequest support.

Mar 15, 2024 Whispers 463

Ok, so, if you don t attach Elessar with contract set up, you will can't attach him later ! Contract ability is for non unique cards

Mar 15, 2024 Urthli 360

Ah that is true. This indeed means you have to select Elessar with the contract and find Strider later on. This should be no problem with Gather Information letting you grab it from your deck. I liked the other way around better, but that is indeed an illegal play to make. I will have to update the deck description a bit though.

Mar 15, 2024 Urthli 360

Thanks for pointing that out, this was indeed an oversight on my part when writing the description. Every card in the deck is still playable, though you would need to get Ring of Barahir and Roheryn in play before you can get access to The Renewer and Chieftain of the North respectively.