Outlaws and Creatures


The band of Outcasts, Beornings, and eagles all come together to fight against the forces of Sauron and his ilk.

The Outlanders and Shapeshifters Game Plan:

  1. This uses the A Perilous Voyage Contract - which supplies a huge Deck Hand and impossible Threat Reduction
  2. Beginning of the game - Éowyn and Osbera are questers and Prince Imrahil is a defender
  3. Card List Devoted to Éowyn: A master Quester and Attacker
  4. Card List Devoted to Prince Imrahil, Defender then Attacker - Ally swarm.
  5. Card list devoted to Osbera: Quester and Attacker
    • All the Beorning Allies - they are attack based and resource heavy. Beorning Skin-changer is the gateway to these heavy hitters, and Birna allows Beorning Skin-changer to be puled back from the discard pile for a near endless loop of Beorn spawning.

Creatures and Hero's Game Play:

  1. Start with Radagast's Staff, the synergy of Gwaihir and Radagast does not work without his staff. Their must be an eagle played every turn - and Grimbeorn the Old's resources are specifically reserved for his card text ability.
  2. Radagast's Cards: A quester and attacker
  3. Grimbeorn the Old's Cards: A defender and attacker
  4. Gwaihir's Cards: A quester and attacker
    • Most of the allies, and events are devoted to his mechanic. Golden Crown is nice, not required - but it is good to note that the card text does not say the eagle ally needs to be ready for it to leave this player's field - in a pinch, it can be used to awaken the slumber of the great Gwaihir for a second attack. (that's also why Flight of the Eagles is in this deck, with the added benefit of an eagle being added to the encounter deck)
    • Hand draw power for eagles in hand = The Eagles Are Coming!, and Gwaihir's Debt.
  5. Cards reserved for use on the Outlanders and Shapshifters party:
    • Golden Belt = for Éowyn, she is going to need to be able to hold 3 restricted attachments to be her best self.
    • Necklace of Girion = also for Éowyn, because she needs to have her high, and one card in 100 is terrible odds.