Run Gollum! Run!!

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ABP1984 18

This is my solo deck for playing The Hunt For Gollum adventure pack. I've had a lot of success with this, and this so far has been my favourite quest. As always, if you see something I've done wrong or perhaps a better choice could be made, let me know in the comments, I'm always glad to hear your thoughts and tips!! So here goes!!

Hero: Éowyn because this quest is location heavy, and using the cards from the core set and the first adventure pack, she is still the best for questing. Bilbo Baggins, two reasons, one because he's a new hero, and I wanted to try him out, and secondly because you get to draw an extra card at the resource phase. Théodred is my go to warrior, because when you attach Unexpected Courage to him, he can quest and then dish out that extra resource token and then refresh him ready for battle.

Ally: Gandalf goes without saying, he's going to be in every deck!! Snowbourn Scout gives you that progress token on a location when he enters play and Guard of the Citadel is my go-to cannon fodder, soaking up the hits so my heroes don't have to. Westfold Horse-Breaker is both great again as cannon fodder but also handy should you ned to ready a hero that's not got Unexpected Courage yet. Erebor Hammersmith is another ally great at soaking up the hits. Northern Tracker and Lórien Guide are a Godsend to start stacking up the progress tokens on locations in play.

Attachment: Dúnedain Mark is cheap at 1 resource that gives your hero +1 attack. Song of Kings gives you a leadership icon so you can help out Théodred with some extra buying power. I put in Forest Snare to snare those pesky Hunters From Mordor, especially when there's objectives in play which boost their attack levels. Steward of Gondor gets you extra resources, in my first game I put them both onto Éowyn and ended up with more resources than I could actually use!! Power in the Earth is a must for lowering location threat in the staging area. The Favor of the Lady, Celebrían's Stone and Protector of Lórien all give your willpower a much needed boost, the latter also helping out with your defence level.

Event: Stand and Fight is a handy little card, which also allows you to play an Ally from the tactics sphere should you have a favourite who you think might help out. I left out Beorn as I thought he wasn't really called for, but you might think differently. The Galadhrim's Greeting is an absolute must to keep your threat level down. Strength of Will is another card that can get you progress tokens early onto an active location. Hasty Stroke and A Test of Will again are must-haves against when revealed and shadow card effects. Dwarven Tomb can get you The Galadhrim's Greeting back into your hand to keep that threat level down. Sneak Attack can get any of your Ally cards into play, then if they survive the combat phase they go back into your hand to fight another day! Awesome!! Lore of Imladris goes without saying, this can keep your hero cards in the game. Secret Paths are awesome especially if the locations in the staging area are piling up again. Finally, A Light in the Dark is great for both returning enemies to the staging area if you're not ready for an attack, or they come in handy for discards for Éowyn and other cards actions.

There you go, I've had a lot of success with this hand, and play this quest if I just want a bit of fun on a not-too-easy game that I feel I have a chance of victory.