Dol Amroth's Lineage (#RCO)

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Isidore 505

Revised Content Only

"But northward the white crest of Éomer led the great front of the Rohirrim which he had again gathered and marshalled; and out of the City came all the strength of men that was in it, and the silver swan of Dol Amroth was borne in the van, driving the enemy from the Gate."
The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 6,
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Short summary: Taking advantage of Lothíriel's ability extended by Elf-friend hinting at Dol Amroth's legacy and enabling some nice combos !
: Éomer , Lothíriel & muster allies ,Prince Imrahil & (and later )

Restricted :

Basic combos: Questing with Lothíriel & Prince Imrahil, committing an ally with Lothíriel's ability, which leaves play after quest phase activating Éomer and Prince Imrahil's ability.

Extended Combos:



Mar 29, 2023 doomguard 2101

you wished a comment ;) you get it.

overall, i would not try to do to much at once. this means for this, the adding o elf-shenanigans is to much, make the others with more intense brings more constability.

you do not loose much, 2 elronds council, 5 allies not usable with lothiriels ability. what to get in return?

more gondor and rohanallies or better things. instead o Feigned Voices the Feint is more save and in most cases cheaper than the silvan ally

with ld you can include sneack-gandalf, it helps so much, cards or thread reducing is so good.

its a gondordeck you should use Visionary Leadership.

i do not like Prince Imrahil very much. yes with Lothíriels ability he is quaranteed refresh after the questphase. you have no good defender, so i would replace Prince Imrahil with Denethor ((u might not have him in your pool, then imrahil is ok. here)

a card that would speed up your build is Captain's Wisdom (which you also might not have) Wealth of Gondor would also be nice i availaible)

another thing, Foe-hammer. do it right, or leave it at all. i have my personally rule, if i do not have at least 5 weapons, do not Foe-hammer, is so sad have it dead on hand....

if Steward of Gondor is cruicial take 3 of them, same A Test of Will

these are the basic ideas. concrete asuming no Denethor available i would go Foe-hammer way, means: (asuming your cardpool i have about 5 cards i do not suggest) in:


  • 8 elfallies (its to risky having them useless i you not draw Elf-friend keep Galadriel she helps and is noble
  • 2 elfriend
  • 6 elf-events

fill remaining slots with gondor-rohan-allies e.g.:

that would be my best playable version of the heroes with that pool, if in spite of better reasoning you want to make the #lothiriel-elfriendthing (and using it with Elrond is great ;) ) then use 3 Elf-friend and try to get it fast e.g. with [Imladris Stargazer](/card/04106 and or replace imrahil with beravor and some lore-carddraw to get it fast)

Apr 02, 2023 Isidore 505

@doomguard THANK YOU ! I wished and you delivered ;)

I try not to auto-include Gandalf & Sneak Attack combo in each deck I build to help my "creativity" ^^'

I'll build a newer version from your suggestions for a Gondorier version (Waiting for Revised Dream Chaser soon, some of your upgrade suggestions will be in it :D) and will try out an Elfier version (Want to try to swap Prince Imrahil for Celeborn, or your Beravor suggestion !)

Thanks again for your time & analysis, greatly appreciated !

Apr 03, 2023 doomguard 2101

no problem. i am very interested in your elfier version, the idea has potential. Elrond might be the best ally (beside Éomund for rohanheavy decks) that can be used by her. Naith Guide is also nice to use with her, and if you go full silvan, than bring an ally into the game with her and then use The Tree People gives you the effect of the first + 2nd ally that stays. with some Captain's Wisdom you could even consider Heed the Dream for safety-catch the Elf-friend if not gained with the other carddrawmechanics.