Spirit + Lore for core misions 27 threat, cards up to Core SetLeadirship + Tactics for core misions 26 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Beautiful Location Wrecker Deck (Trapper synergy version) 28 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith GuratTrap Deck (Location wrecker synergy version) 29 threat, cards up to The Fate of Wilderland |
Grimbeorn's Silvan Friends 28 threat, cards up to Messenger of the King AlliesElrond's Silvan Friends 33 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
Rohan Spirit Multiplayer 29 threat, cards up to Challenge of the WainridersMartial Rohan Multiplayer 31 threat, cards up to The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat |
Deck for Sunday Revised 28 threat, cards up to The Flame of the WestAnger Management: A Day of Wrath 27 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsRaisin' Brand (2 Scoops of Death) 26 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas HavenAnnuminas Support 27 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
100% Fellowship - "Detours and Defense" 35 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn100% Fellowship - "Out of Thin Air" 36 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
Boromir's Vanguard 29 threat, cards up to The Morgul ValeFaramir's Rangers 24 threat, cards up to The Dunland Trap |
The Line Unbroken - Siege of Cair Andros Deck 1 30 threat, cards up to Heirs of NúmenorThe Line Unbroken - Siege of Cair Andros Deck 2 32 threat, cards up to Heirs of Númenor |
Forth, the Three Children of Elrond! 29 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastThe Voice of Isengard 25 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrow |
Galadhrim wardens (Silvan 2/2) 24 threat, cards up to The Drowned RuinsMemory of the Doriath (Silvan 1/2) 30 threat, cards up to The Sands of Harad |
Elrond's Family Vacation 42 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnDenethor's Family Vacation 30 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
"Lonely Men are We" - Multiplayer (#RCO) 32 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmMeet the Grandparents - Multiplayer (#RCO) 29 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
Good Stuff Glorfindel 26 threat, cards up to On the DoorstepBoromir's Eagles 28 threat, cards up to Over Hill and Under Hill |
Fellowship (1 of 3) 30 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastFellowship (2 of 3) 20 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastFellowship (3 of 3) 34 threat, cards up to The City of Ulfast |
Front Lines 33 threat, cards up to Roam Across RhovanionBeorn Airstrike 31 threat, cards up to Wrath and RuinEagleback Archer 25 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastThree Armorers 32 threat, cards up to The City of Ulfast |
DUO dégâts directs 27 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowTwo couples sing and smoke 24 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Shire's Reckoning |
all enemys die today! 30 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrowno hero dies today! 25 threat, cards up to Messenger of the King Allies |
Infinite Resources Deck 1 32 threat, cards up to Flight of the StormcallerInfinite Resources Deck 2 28 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
Twin Council of the Wise - Beregond, Eowyn, and Legolas 28 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnTwin Council of the Wise - Arwen, Grimbeorn, and Lanwyn 29 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
core set fellowship 1 29 threat, cards up to Core Setcore set fellowship 2 29 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Revised Core - Leadership & Spirit Deck 29 threat, cards up to Core SetRevised Core - Lore & Tactics Deck 27 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Eagles All Around 1/4 30 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowEagles All Around 2/4 32 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowEagles All Around 3/4 30 threat, cards up to Challenge of the WainridersEagles All Around 4/4 18 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrow |
Friend of Friends 1 (MD - Hobbits Fellowship) 8 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowFriend of Friends 2 (MD - Hobbits Fellowship) 7 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
Evening Stars 24 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowSupport Everyone 28 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
The Line Unbroken - Into Ithilien Deck 1 30 threat, cards up to Heirs of NúmenorThe Line Unbroken - Into Ithilien Deck 2 30 threat, cards up to Heirs of Númenor |
The Hobbit Purple 32 threat, cards up to The Ghost of FramsburgThe Hobbit Red 30 threat, cards up to Challenge of the WainridersThe Hobbit Green 23 threat, cards up to The Morgul ValeThe Hobbit Blue 26 threat, cards up to Mount Gundabad |
A Massacre of Eagles deck 4 33 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowA Massacre of Eagles deck 3 20 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnA Massacre of Eagles deck 2 25 threat, cards up to The Land of SorrowA Massacre of Eagles deck 1 29 threat, cards up to Under the Ash Mountains |
It's a trap 28 threat, cards up to The Blood of GondorIt's a palantir 26 threat, cards up to Assault on Osgiliath |
Ringmaker: Chumps Quest for Saruman 31 threat, cards up to Celebrimbor's SecretRingmaker: Doom and Boom 28 threat, cards up to The Flame of the West |
short folks 1 25 threat, cards up to ALeP - Children of Eorlshort folks 2 26 threat, cards up to ALeP - Children of Eorl |