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Sneaking Around the Lure of Middle-Earth 67 46 19 1.0
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blurbston 51

My first deck published here. It's a multiplayer deck built for encounter control.

"Hey, can I play LOTR LCG with your group? "

"Sure, what does your deck do?"


Based on The Mormegil's excellent “Sneaking around the Lure of Middle-earth” deck.

Like The Mormegil's deck, the focus of this deck is attempting to play Gildor's Counsel most rounds. You won’t provide much in terms of or combat help, but if you play Gildor's Counsel or Risk Some Light almost every turn, you are already pulling your weight. As you can see above, this deck can do that and more.

The other powerhouse card in the deck is Risk Some Light, which is always helpful, and almost always free.

The deck works best in a fellowship of 2 or 3 players. It’s a little more potent in 2-player, but a little riskier. In 3-player, its effectiveness is still impressive, and it’s more consistent. It does work in 4-player -- Risk Some Light is a little less useful, but still can be great, and The Door is Closed! becomes more potent.

The beauty of the deck is this: In a 3-player game, you handle encounter control, and the other 2 players need to be able to handle only 2 players’ worth of questing and combat. Who wouldn’t want a friend to play this deck with their fellowship? It’s always useful!

Mulligan for Gildor's Counsel or The Shirefolk or card draw. An opening hand with Leaf Brooch or Risk Some Light is also great. In fact, you can hardly go wrong. Drinking Song can act as a second mulligan, if desired.

It’s pretty easy to draw through the entire deck in about 4 rounds, and usually all your cards are used up by round 5 or so. When starting a quest you think will take longer than that, use the sideboard cards A Good Harvest and Will of the West to do it all over again. Or, better yet, just make sure one of your friends with access to has a Will of the West for you.

If you draw into Peace, and Thought, it's usually worth saving a resource and two hero actions to play it in the refresh phase. Your next round will be amazing.

(MotK) Gaffer Gamgee’s action is a safety valve. If you must engage an enemy, you can hold that enemy off for a while. It will cost you 2 resources per round and you’ll lose a hero, but by mid-game, when Leaf Brooch is set up and you have at least 1 Resourceful in play, it’s not a problem. The third Resourceful is hardly ever needed, actually. I just included it because it’s a nice perk to gift to another player.

If playing by the current ruling Messenger of the King which says that you draw your opening hand BEFORE choosing a MOTK hero from your deck, if you draw Gaffer in your opening hand, this is bad, because he cannot become a hero. And you need 3 Hobbit heroes for The Shirefolk. So, if you play that way, you may want to include 2x Gaffer, or possibly add Robin Smallburrow, who can become a second-choice MOTK hero.

A typical early-game round involves paying only 1 resource for Gildor's Counsel thanks to a Good Meal, and Risking Some Light for free, while using Daeron's Runes or Mithrandir's Advice to set up a bigger combo next round.

A typical late-game round: being rich with cards due to having just played Peace, and Thought in the last refresh phase, you play a Mithrandir's Advice for no resource cost due to Leaf Brooch, then use Drinking Song to shuffle your 10 or so cards into your deck for a different 10 or so cards, so you can find those 2 remaining Keen as Lances cards, which you’ll play for free, gifting another player 2 resources and drawing 3 more cards — you just drew Good Meal, which you will attach this planning phase, and trigger in the quest phase to pay for 2 copies of Gildor's Counsel for 4 resources total, one of which you will pull from your discards via Scroll of Isildur, and still be able to trigger Gléowine on another player... etc etc.; during the quest phase, you cancel a nasty treachery with The Door is Closed!; later, you trigger Henamarth Riversong to see the first shadow card... All this while you’re sitting at around 12 threat.


  • Folco Boffin: The abilities of the other hobbits are too great. Yes, even Bilbo Baggins with his 9 threat. That extra card for the first player is so nice, you'll wonder how you ever played without it. Swapping Bilbo with Folco Boffin only needs to be done in scenarios where fast threat increases are an issue. For this reason, he is in the sideboard.
  • Barliman: a safety valve, but I found that (MotK) Gaffer Gamgee was usually all the safety I needed.
  • Erebor Hammersmith: Could get Scroll of Isildur back in hand, but surprisingly, I hardly found it necessary. The deck can already play Gildor's Counsel about 6 times per game; with Will of the West it becomes 12 times. Actually, I often find myself using Scroll of Isildur to recur a card draw event instead of Gildor's Counsel, just to plow through the deck faster, and that decision usually pays off. So, the real value in this guy is that, besides his ability, he is also a decent defender and HP pool for archery.
  • Will of the West and A Good Harvest: for longer quests (see above).

Cards I didn't include:

Final note: I do have a faster version of this deck, but I've only tested it twice. It removes all the victory display stuff, and focuses on even quicker drawing and recycling Gildor's Counsel and Risk Some Light. It also puts Will of the West into the main deck and assumes you will use it at least twice. It pretty consistently plays the key event cards every round for at least 20 rounds in a row, staying around 0 threat for most of the game. After some more testing I'll probably share that deck!


Feb 24, 2021 Tiberius 15

I love this deck! I have played multiplayer across from it and it is now hard to live without it. It has ridiculous control over the encounter deck, and let's us know exactly what we are facing almost every time. It leads to a lot less frustration in the game, but still a lot of meaningful decisions. Some quests in particular just melt in front of this deck. Also it works well with just about any deck I play whether swarms, Three Hunters, secrecy, it doesn't matter. The other decks will have to do the actual work of beating the quest, but they will be able to avoid many nasty surprises. I highly recommend giving it a whirl, my only problem now is trying to play without having it as one of our decks.

Feb 24, 2021 blurbston 51

@Tiberius yeah. Next time we play, I GUESS we can try playing without this deck... but then again...

One thing I should add: if all you did was to play Gildor's Counsel every round, all you would be doing would be to pull exactly your own weight. It’s all the other bonuses that make this deck worthwhile, especially the scrying. That’s why I do think Far-sighted could be a solid addition. Hmm, but then, what to remove...?

Feb 25, 2021 Tiberius 15

Looking forward to getting a game with this deck and a deck with Wait no Longer. Playing Gildor’s Counsel and that the same turn with it will be beautiful.

Feb 25, 2021 doomguard 1976

this is not possible (or not recommanded). wait no longer is at At the beginning of the quest phase, gildors council later (during , what is later as "at the beginning"), and the council reduces to maximum of 1, so with 2 players, it wait no longer hits, the council does not hit (except there is surge)

Feb 25, 2021 doomguard 1976


  • .... and gifts 1 or 2 repeatable resources to other players (Resourceful)

is not possible, Resourceful can only be put on one of your heroes

Feb 25, 2021 Alonewolf87 1922

Have you considered using some Erebor Hammersmith to recycle the Scroll of Isildur?

Feb 25, 2021 Tiberius 15

@doomguard I should clarify then, we usually play 3 player, so we would reduce from 3 encounter cards to 1.

Feb 25, 2021 blurbston 51

@doomguardBoth good catches. You’re right, Resourceful can’t be gifted. I might replace one or two copies with something else, maybe Far-sighted.

In a 3-player fellowship, though, @Tiberius that Wait no Longer combo would work. Luckily we usually play 3-player.

Feb 25, 2021 blurbston 51

@Alonewolf87 yep, it’s in the sideboard. Possibly good enough to put in the main deck; when I next do some tweaks, I may just do that :)

Feb 25, 2021 doomguard 1976

you have 4 allies. consider to put a few more unique allies in it and add swordthain. that would make the scroll at 0-cost. with perhaps Bartering you can get it cheap (scroll-bartering for swordthain-scroll again for 0)

Feb 25, 2021 blurbston 51

@doomguardThis does seem like a fun combo, which I should try next time because it would be satisfying to pull it off.. However, as I explained in the description, I don’t think this is worth it generally; the deck is way more consistent without it. You would need to find 4 cards: Bartering, Sword-thain, Scroll of Isildur, and a unique ally. And the deck doesn’t struggle for resources anyway. Getting the Sword-thain free is pretty sweet, and free Scrolls late game is fun, but by then, you can afford them at 1 cost very easily.

I will say that in games where it’s likely for you to need to trigger Gaffer’s ability to hold down an enemy, you’re paying 2 per Gaffer ability each round and now paying 2 per Scroll, so in that case, the combo would probably have been worthwhile to set up.

Feb 25, 2021 Mormegil 3238

Hey, nice to see that someone still plays that old deck :) ... it is interesting to see what updates you made, I also updated it a while ago and a lot of the changes are actually quite similar to yours :).

Feb 26, 2021 blurbston 51

@The Mormegil Nice! Thanks again for the deck inspiration :)