its time for war!

doomguard 2190


idea is, only use tactic and neutral cards in a 4-deck-combo. and there it ist:

in general: with theoden the quester (theoden, eowyn, hirgon, bard,mablung) quests for 17 til the 1. round. there are much allies with willpower (some eagles, skinchanger, uniques) that will improve the questing power.

carddraw should be realized with foehammer and eagles are coming. there are enough weapons between these decks that as soon as one get foehammer he will get at least one weapon.

each deck has its specialeffects and synergys with the others.

melee: even naked mostly 3 attacks with aragorn (brand and merry participating nacked together with 7 + aragorns defense reduction, but 1. weapon should go to aragorn. brand readys merry, merry readys aragorn. 1. warhorse goes to brand, that will add a whole attack of these 3)

ranged: put as many warhorses and gondolinblades on them. that will add a good portion of progress. even the explore-deck should put their gondolinblades to the ranges heroes. legolas with a horse and a blade is wort 6 progress!!!

defense: obious i think ;) even without courage(s) beregond can defend more often with a ring and behind strong walls and hold your ground (in addition to the feint of course...) and if beregond cannot defend longer htere is grimbeorn or dori. dori can specially in the first rounds help to defend really hard enemys (add the bonus to beregond).

explore: try to use meneldor and the guardian if there are to much lokations in the staging area.

(nearly) each of the deck has meneldor and grimbold. try to use meneldor as much as possible and let him die through achery (then put him to an eagle of the misty mountains) or take him back for "flight of the eagles". these eagles are your longterm-increase specially for questing.


Dec 08, 2020 askelad 640

Love the idea!

the presence of Beorning Skin-changer in the Beregond deck seems a bit strange with only a single Giant Bear to summon, maybe add some more bears and a Beorn or two?

I think you are a bit too dependant on Feint and other events for defense, your only repeatable defense tools are Grimbeorn the Old (who is missing Captain of Gondor) and Beregond who do not have any repeatable readying apart from Magic Ring

maybe some Defender of Rammas and a Treebeard can help with that?

Dec 08, 2020 doomguard 2190

treebeard is a good idea. i do not like the defender of rammas. they are to squishy. let there come a shadow that make 1 dmg and its undefended. in the modern cycles and nightmare,there is to much out there that gain str 5 with shadow. and then a feint it cheaper. i like the feint a lot, because it not only make defense, it prohibits the sideeffects of an attack (when this enemy attack do XY)

we have a different opinion on 1-time-usable "things" (events or attachements). beregond has repeatable ones the magic ring, but there are behind strong walls and hold your ground our there.

captain is a good thing.

@ Beorning Skin-changer they are not only good for shaping, they cost 2 and quest for 1, that is good in tactics (and survive nasty arrows or trachery)

this was made before contracts are out. can they help? e.g. the beregonddeck does not need the allies, it could become a hunters deck. ring can probably go to argorn.and is ther some potntial for messnger of the king? yazan for bard?

what about the traps Followed and Outmatched ?

Dec 08, 2020 askelad 640

don't get me wrong, Feint is awesome. I'd use Defender of Rammas only to defend small fry, to not have to waste a Beregond action defending a 2 ennemy. I know you have Behind Strong Walls and Hold Your Ground! so you probably have a constant flow of pseudo-Feint, i'm worried about your lack of card draw outside of Foe-hammer in the long run, but i havn't seen the fellowship in action so i don't know how big of an issue that is.

@Beorning Skin-changer yes they are not that bad without bears, but if you are playing them suddenly bears become very good cards that you probably want to include.

@Followed: you have a lot of attack so there probably won't be that many ennemies that you keep engaged for long, i think it is more appropriate in a dunadan or trap deck.

@Outmatched good idea, it's fantastic with Grimbeorn the Old.

@ contracts and The One Ring: in my experience Grimbeorn the Old loves The Three Hunters, but so do ranged heroes. In mono tactics you need to play as many of the tactic attachments as possible and use most of them on your own heroes, so maybe you will want to move some of your heroes around. Beregond already has his discount and only really needs 2 restricteds so the contract doesn't do much for him.

getting a Fellowship in a deck with all the questers might help with , that's an idea to explore.

Messenger of the King gives you access to Boromir (another potential defender), Legolas (which is great for card draw) and Pippin (who should be in there anyway and comboes great with Aragorn).

on The One Ring, i think Strength and Courage is not worth the investment. However you can also choose The Ruling Ring, The Master Ring or The Ring of Power. The Master Ring can be your A Test of Will, The Ruling Ring can be even more Feint, and The Ring of Power with the ring on Éowyn lets her kill 2 ennemies instead of 1 on the round she goes "I am no man!", 3 if she didn't quest.

Bond of Friendship, The Grey Wanderer, Council of the Wise, The Burglar's Turn and A Perilous Voyage are not interesting for obvious reasons.

Dec 08, 2020 doomguard 2190

what options for carddraw are there for tactic? there is only the the foehammer (and gandalf). motklegolas would be an option, but i want his core-version for progress. ist so good ro explore the active location before the next staging or before the end of the round.

pippin is obvious (fellowship was made before).

so changes until now:

  • swap theoden and beregond, then make the grimbeorn 3 hunters
  • one ring to grimbeorn, strength and courage, and 3 ring of power and 3 master ring
  • some Open the Armory to the 3 hunters, captain of gondor, some Outmatched
  • replace bard with [(MotK) Yazan
  • put in some Book of Eldacar
  • add Pippin to the aragorn-deck
  • add some Halfling Determination

Dec 08, 2020 askelad 640

for card draw, 3 copies of Keen as Lances in each deck could work: The first few are expensive but after a few have been played they become very affordable and eventually free. And it can also do threat reduction if needed, like some extra Gandalf. A Gather Information in each deck also never hurts.

The main problem with card draw is if there are card you are heavily relying on, if you manage the average costs of your cards well and don't rely on any particular card heavily you don't need card draw to make a deck work.

Book of Eldacar is probably excellent in all those decks, just to ensure an endless stream of Feint. Trained for War is also awesome in a full fellowship with so much attack, each copy will basically ensure a location explored and a stage completed. I also agree on Halfling Determination.

on The Three Hunters: i would also swap Dori for Legolas, since there are so many restricted attachments that work really well on him ( Bow of the Galadhrim and Rivendell Blade are specifically for him). And because of War Axe it's better to have attackers than defenders as your hunters. Also don't forget to include Golden Belt so as to not get stuck once everyone has 3 restricteds.

i suppose Yazan is slightly better than Bard the Bowman

I think the combo 3 Trained for War + 3 Book of Eldacar in each deck has some potential, combined with Grappling Hook it lets you bypass completly with which you have plenty of.

Dec 08, 2020 doomguard 2190

trained for war is not this much needed here. in fact if we leave aragorn, merrry branrf and legolas for foghting, i think they quest better with willpower thx to theoden.

the trained for war/eldacar/gather information is needed if the tactics do not have this much willpower as these have, and is a different strategy.

keen as lances is good idea, will cut some gandalfs then.

swap legolas is a good idea, so he can theoretically get 3 gondolinblades + horse

Dec 08, 2020 askelad 640

In fact, i think with 3 Trained for War, 3 Book of Eldacar, 3 Grappling Hook, 3 Thicket of Spears, Feint etc in each deck and a Háma somewhere you could build an entire archetype based purely on , which in mono tactics and with Forth, The Three Hunters! you can easily accumulate ridicule amounts of. With 4 decks playing 3 Trained for War and 3 Book of Eldacar + Háma playing Trained for War every single turn is pretty doable (keeping Éowyn and Théoden in the mix might exempt us from having to play it first round).

I'd love to play that fellowship, it must be so much fun to play! Plus you have a perfect fellowship to tackle battle quests =D i don't want to derail your core idea too much though.

Dec 08, 2020 askelad 640

Yes i know what i'm suggesting is a different fellowship altogether, this one quests fine. Maybe i'll start building that one when i have the time and let you know if you are interested. Back to your fellowship:

i think Gandalf is better than Keen as Lances in general, but keen as lances must be 3 of in each deck to work best. It comes down to the usual dilemma of deckbuilding: what to cut?

Dec 08, 2020 doomguard 2190

here is the new version :