Arise! Arise, Riders of Théoden!
RedSpiderr 2431
This Fellowship is loosely based around the theme of ‘What if Aragorn died instead of Boromir?’ Well the Three Hunters would not have been able to track the Hobbits to Fangorn, but would still have been in Rohan for the Defence of Helm’s Deep. The Ents would have been urged to war by Gandalf, and Saruman would still be penned in Orthanc. The real change is that the Three Hunters would not take the Paths of the Dead, but would ride to Gondor with the Rohirrim. Using his authority as the son of the Steward, as opposed to a lost heir yet to come into his kingdom, Boromir would have been able to encourage Rohan to muster sooner and better aid Minas Tirith in its defence. Due to the thematic nature of the deck, there are no healing or scrying effects. The Rohirrim rode off to war as fast as possible, with very little foresight as to what lay. They did not take healers for there were medics in Gondor and the Rohirrim were riding to the world’s ending. This deck quests hard, hits harder, but its moments need to be timed carefully or it will be caught flatfooted and suffer for it.
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
This deck is designed to be used in conjunction with the decks "Spear shall be shaken, Shield shall be splintered!" and "A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!". The task of this deck is to kill enemies. Allies can be discarded for various effects, such as Riddermark Knight's charged up attack or using the Westfold Outrider to drag across enemies. These effects power Éomer's ability which, when boosted by Firefoot and Gúthwinë, leave him attacking for 9. Gúthwinë pulls even more weight as it allows allies to be returned from the discard pile to your hand. Recurring Westfold Outrider lets Éomer use his 9 every single turn. This can get even better with Heir of Mardil from the "A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!" deck, which should be placed on Éomer allowing him to be readied by Théodred and Horn of Gondor, but with Diligent Noble this combo can be set up on any hero.Erkenbrand, Déorwine, Warden of Helm's Deep, Feint and Sterner than Steel should all help to keep the defense as tight as possible. After Boromir or a Steward of Gondor from the "A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!" deck hits the table, hopefully found quickly by Gather Information or Send for Aid if it hasn't been drawn yet, it would optionally engage any enemy that the other two decks couldn't easily handle, see unique boss enemies such as The Raven Chief or Thaurdir. Playing Oath of Eorl, you hit as many enemies as possible as hard as possible. Use Rohan Warhorse to help keep up the momentum, especially on a Sword-thained Legolas, who can use his ranged to snipe weaker enemies engaged with other players. Alternatively a Sword-thained Boromir would open him up to several steeds and Dúnedain Warnings, letting him act as a reliable counter-attacker, using his resources to give up a Warning so he just takes the one damage, readying him again. The attachments in the deck work well to bolster the other decks in the Fellowship. Spear of the Mark is ideal for splashing around, especially with a well-timed Forth Eorlingas!, but are perfectly placed on Dúnhere. Golden Shield would work well on either Théoden or Éowyn, and the Dunedain signals can be splashed as needed. Háma's ability can be used to recur any event as needed, but a personal favorite would be Skyward Volley for repeat direct damage.
Spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered!
This deck is designed to be played in conjunction with the "Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!" and "A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!" decks. Its role is to carry the majority of the questing, and boost the other decks' ability to do so through Astonishing Speed, We Do Not Sleep and Rally the West. Map of Earnil helps massively in recurring some of these more punchy events. Snowmane, Windfola and Steed of the Mark should hopefully be fished out of the deck by Westfold Horse-breeder to help with questing, and Herugrim can be attached to either Théoden or Éowyn in "A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!". This deck should also help support other needs of the Fellowship, with events such as Helm! Helm! and Ride to Ruin being powered off the low cost allies found in this deck, and Éomund, Rider of the Mark and Light the Beacons being used to provide support across the board. Fastred, Double Back and The Galadhrim's Greeting provide threat reduction, with Gandalf being used in a pinch.
A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
This deck is designed to be played in conjunction with the "Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!" and "Spear shall be shaken, Shield shall be splintered!" decks. The purpose of this deck is to support the other two while they bear the brunt of their tasks. Elfhelm is the poster-boy for this deck, as he boosts every hero in the Fellowship with a mount, and there are enough of them across the decks so that each hero could get one, including a Sword-thained Legolas. Prepare for Battle, Send for Aid and Gléowine help with card and resource acceleration across the board, while Song of Kings and Song of Battle help resource smoothing. Steward of Gondor is for the "Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!" deck, so all three have some form of active resource acceleration. Every turn, Éowyn and Théodred both quest for a total 5, but try and get Celebrían's Stone and Steed of the Mark on Théodred as soon as possible to maximize his abilities. Celebrían's Stone is for Théodred and not Éowyn because she needs Windfola and either Herugrim or Golden Shield to make the most of her. As already mentioned, Heir of Mardil should be placed on Éomer, allowing him to be readied by Théodred and Horn of Gondor, but with Diligent Noble this combo can be set up on any hero. The Armored Destriers should go on Erkenbrand and Elfhelm to pull double duty as both attackers and defenders. Add Dunedain signals to taste. Captains of the West works as an alternate to We Do Not Sleep. It doesn't allow as many characters to quest, but provides a +1 boost and is much easier to pay for with Théodred's ability. There are 4 default heroes in the Fellowship with the Noble trait; Théoden, Théodred, Éomer and Éowyn, all of whom benefit from this event, though the latter two less so. Diligent Noble helps boost the power of Captains of the West, and provides card draw.