16 Decks with Changes for Men.

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Derived from
13 Decks Were Given to the Race of Men 35 26 7 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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JbanMormegil 675

This deck is not an actual deck. It is the addendum for 16 Decks Were Given to the Race of Men where we outline a deck list of fully compatible decks that you can simultaneously build and play with over the board.

For the full story, I'd like to refer to 16 Decks Were Given to the Race of Men

I you have already physically built the previous iteration of our 13 decks project, here is what you need to do to change your decks for the upgraded 16 deck version. If you have not built the previous 13 decks, just ignore this deck list and go to the individual decklists to build your 16 decks.

Gandalf - Merry - Sam

Dáin Ironfoot - Nori - Ori

Elrond - Mirlonde - Radagast

Éowyn - Frodo Baggins - Denethor - Thurindir

Arwen Undómiel - Caldara - Círdan the Shipwright

Bard son of Brand - Brand son of Bain - Beravor

Gildor Inglorion - Hirluin the Fair - Théodred

Bifur - Celeborn - Galadriel

  • This deck has been built entirely from scratch, not having been part of our 13 previous decks. Check out its entire decklist to build it.

Folco Boffin - Frodo Baggins - Pippin

Erestor - Faramir - Lothíriel

Aragorn - Merry - Pippin

Beregond - Haldir of Lórien - Legolas

Éowyn - Erkenbrand - Galdor of the Havens

Amarthiúl - Beregond - Damrod

  • This deck has been built entirely from scratch, not having been part of our 13 previous decks. Check out its entire decklist to build it.


  • This deck has been built entirely from scratch, not having been part of our 13 previous decks. Check out its entire decklist to build it.

Glorfindel - Gríma - Haldan